Aleix Plademunt
Girona, 1980
Abandona sus estudios de ingeniería técnica en la Universitat de Girona (UdG) para dedicarse de pleno con la fotografía. En 2003 se licencia en fotografía en el CTIM (UPC).
Durante todos estos años no ha dejado de trabajar en proyectos fotográficos personales de los que destaca: Espectadores (2006), Nada (2007), DubaiLand (2008), Tot (2009), Almost There (2010-2013), 森下 Morishita (2016) y Un Passaggio (2017), Trafalgar (2019), Iberia (2019) y Matter (2013-2022)
Es autor de 9 libros:
- Matter. Publicado por Ca l’Isidret + Spector Books. Mayo 2022
- Antimatter. Publicado por Ca l’Isidret + Comunidad de Madrid. Mayo 2022
- Intempèries ~ Hinterlands. Publicado por Ca l’Isidret + Galerie Olivier Waltman. Enero 2021 · Iberia. Publicado por Ca l’Isidret. Octubre 2019
- Un Passaggio. Publicado por Ca l’Isidret. Mayo 2017
- 森下 Morishita. Publicado por Ca l’Isidret. Febrero 2017
- Almost There. Publicado por Ca l’Isidret + MACK. Octubre 2013
- Ca l’Isidret. Publicado por Ca l’Isidret. Occtubre 2012
- Moviemientos de suelo. Publicado por Ca l’Isidret. Mayo 2011
Ha realizado residencias artísticas y ha recibido distintas becas para desarrollar o continuar con sus proyectos. Destaca:
- 2022. Beca Leonardo. BBVA
- 2017. Residencia Hangar / ADM México
- 2015. Residencia Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, Japón
- 2015. Residencia Tokyo Wonder Site / El Ranchito, Japón · 2015. Beca Artes Plásticas Fundación Botín
- 2105. Premio Revelación Photo España
- 2008. Beca Fotopress La Caixa
- 2006. Premio Injuve
- 2003. Beca Universidad de las Américas (UDLA), México
Es co-fundador del proyecto editorial Ca l’Isidret creado en 2013. Hasta han publicado más de 25 títulos, con especial interés y sensibilidad por la fotografía, crítica, ensayo y lenguaje visual.
Desde el 2003 ha realizado más de 25 exposiciones individuales y más de 50 colectivas, de las que destaca la exposición individual Matter en la Sala Canal Isabel II de Madrid, comisariada por Antonio M. Xoubanova, la participación en la exposición “Apunts per a un incendi dels ulls”. Panorama 21. Comisariada por Hiuwai Chu + Latitudes. MACBA. Museu d’art contemporàni de Barcelona. [22-10-21 / 27-2-22], y la exposición del proyecto Almost There en la sala Le Bal, Paris [2013], y IMA Gallery, Tokio [2014].
Ever since his first projects, Aleix Plademunt has shown a keen interest in territory, landscape and space, paying particular attention to their formations, transformations, modifications, manipulations, alterations, extractions, uses, abuses and waste. His early works are presented as series, with a focus on the journey, accumulation and the semiotic recognition of certain signs, as detected in the landscape via the medium and practice of photography.
Some parts of these images remain constant in order to emphasise the changes; these series can be read in a linear (rather than narrative) fashion.
The perspective, process and methodology all change in Almost There (2010-13): in this project, beyond photographing situations, places or objects, Aleix is more interested in weaving a web of associations and links between them. The thread (more so than a structure or system) that unites all these seemingly random elements and moments seeks to track a relationship of forces that are in constant motion, and which are thus hard to pin down. Aleix is especially fascinated by the language and narrative of photography, and he searches for the tension between images, their rhythms and their internal structures. Almost There addresses the theme of distance in a broad sense, taking into account physical, spatial, temporal, emotional and photographic distances. Unlike the distance that separates spaces, the distance that separates places cannot be traversed. A space is a mere physical observation, a chance intersection of coordinates, a plane. A place comes into being when one inhabits such a space, when it gets lived in, explored, filled with discourses. Space exists regardless of our own existence; places do not. Maps are made of spaces; memories are made of places.
Between 2013 and 2022, Aleix embarks upon his most ambitious project to date, namely Matter (a word derived from the Latin mater, i.e. “mother”, as well as the sense of “source”, “origin”, “material”). In English, the meaning of “matter” has broadened out over time, and now also refers to a problem, a subject, something of import. The photographs in Matter depict the remains, traces and signs of numerous issues that keep transforming. The results are indeed images, but they emanate from a series of themes that are not in fact visual. Each image is a fragment. Each fragment aims to displace, disturb, delve into the kind of diverse and multiple temporalities that shape us, without us realizing or even wanting to find out. This matter is undoubtedly shot through with social and political history, but also with geological, climate-based, biological and zoological history too… In this particular project, matter becomes a sign, and each photograph in turn operates like an index, icon and symbol (albeit not always in the same direction), with the will to explore new ways of receiving and relating with information. Matter understands the symbol as an object split in two, a rupture. To decipher it is to find that friction between the resulting parts.
The objective of Aleix Plademunt’s work is not to resolve, draw conclusions or even enlighten the observer, but rather to offer up and circulate images, to make an attempt at communication and to explore new ways for relating to information and narration.
Aleix Plademunt
1980, Girona, Spain
Lives and works in Barcelona
2004 M.A. in Photography (UDLA Fellowship). Universidad de las Américas, Puebla / B.A. in Photography. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluna, Terrassa
Grants & Awards
2023 Art Situacions III Award. Honda-Green Powers
2015 Visual Arts Grant. Fundación Botín / Discovery Award. PHotoEspana
2013 First Book Award, Finalist. National Media Museum of London & Mack Books
2012 Oficina de Suport a la Iniciativa Cultural Grant. Generalitat de Catalunya
2010 Purificación García Photography Award. Purificación Garcia
2009 “Propuestas 2009” Visual Creation Grant. Visual Entidad de Gestión de Artistas Plásticos / “Agita” Grant for Artistic Projects. Ayuntamiento de Figueres
2008 FotoPres “la Caixa” Award
2006 “Ángel” Photography Grant. Ayuntamiento de Córdoba / “INJUVE 2006” Photography Award. Ministry of Culture of Spain
2017 Hangar-ADM, Mexico City
2016 Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, Sapporo
2015 El Ranchito-Tokyo Wonder Site, Tokyo
2014 CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire), Geneva
2006 CELAUJ-Injuve, Mollina
2004 Universidad de las Américas, Cholula
Solo Shows (Selection)
2022 Matter. Sala Canal de Isabel II, Madrid
2021 À propos du temps. Olivier Waltman Gallery, Paris
2018 Works from the Matter Project. FG2, Götegorg
2017 Un Passaggio. Fotografia Europea. Reggio Emilia
2016 Almost There. Centro de Arte Alcobendas, Madrid
2015 Almost There. CFC, Bilbao / Almost There. La New Gallery, Madrid
2014 DubaiLand. Fotóhónap. TOBE Gallery, Budapest / Almost There. Tagomago Gallery, Barcelona
2013 Almost There. Olivier Waltman Gallery, Paris
2012 DubaiLand. Módulo Gallery, Lisbon / We Are Here. RMTF-Proyecto Trocadero. Caracas, Venezuela
2011 DubaiLand et Autres consequences. Olivier Waltman Gallery, Paris / Pequeñas interpretaciones. Valle Ortí Gallery, Valencia
2010 DubaiLand. Passanant Foto, Passanant
2009 Nada/Todo. Olivier Waltman Gallery, Paris / Art Paris 2009. Olivier Waltman Gallery, Paris
2008 Espectadores. Olivier Waltman Gallery, Paris / Nada. Valle Ortí Gallery,Valencia / Espectadores. London Art Fair, London
2007 Espectadores. Sala La Kursala, Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz
2006 Espacios comunes. Col.legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya, Barcelona / Espacios comunes. Olivier Waltman Gallery, Paris
2004 Des-habitat. Festival Fotopsia, Castellbilbal
Group Shows (Selection)
2023 Art Situacions III. ARCO Madrid 2023, Madrid
2021 Apuntes para un incendio de los ojos. Panorama 21. Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona / Ecologías Radicales. Bienal Sur. Museo Arte Contemporáneo de la Boca, Buenos Aires
2020 El món serà Tlön. Bolit Centre d’Art Contemporani, Girona
2019 Trafalgar. Dilalica Gallery, Barcelona
2018 Ca l’Isidret. Photoforum Pasquart, Biel/Bienne
2017 Signus. Museu de Granollers, Granollers / A Myriad of Voices. CCE Miami, Miami / Itinerarios XXIII. Fundación Botín, Santander
2016 Look up at the Sky. Geografies. Espaidos, Sala Moncunill, Terrassa / A Myriad of Voices. Photo Week DC 2016, Washington DC / A Great Sum (In Parts). Osanova Gallery, Moscow / Geologia de l’inefable. Can Felipa, Barcelona / Fotollibres: Aquí i ara. Bolit Centre d’Art Contemporani, Girona
2015 Aquí hay dragones. Inéditos 2015. La Casa Encendida, Madrid / L. Sala Kursala, Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz / Photoforum PasquArt. Multiple venues, Biel / Photography Now! Vol.2: Spanish New Horizon. IMA Concept Store, Tokyo
2014 Unseen Photo Fair. Multiple venues, Amsterdam / Corrent continu. Lectures de paisatges. Bolit Centre d’Art Contemporani, Girona / GIGANTE. Galerie du 10, Instituto Francés Madrid / Movimientos de Suelo. Ca l’Isidret Exhibition. Temple Gallery, Paris / Fotollibres: Aquí i ara. Foto Colectania, Barcelona / New Spanish Photography. New York University, New York / Dallas Biennial. Oliver Francis Gallery, Dallas
2013 Una nouvelle génération de photographes. Le Bal, Paris / Contexto Crítico. Tabacalera, Madrid / Paisajes: Naturaleza y artificio. Colección DKV. La Lonja, Zaragoza / Pulse Art Fair Miami. Olivier Waltman Gallery, Miami / Arquitectura invertida. DKV Collection. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante, Alicante / Pulse Art Fair New York. Olivier Waltman Gallery, New York / Espectadores. Waltman Ortega Gallery. Miami / Perspectives of Landscape. Browning Gallery, Asolo / Art13 London. Olivier Waltman Gallery, London / London Art Fair. Olivier Waltman Gallery, London
2012 Art Miami 2012. Olivier Waltman Gallery, Miami / Cree. Lugares de tránsito. Tabacalera, Madrid / Art Paris 2012. Olivier Waltman Gallery, Paris / ARCO Madrid 2012. Valle Ortí Gallery, Madrid / La Camera Gran. Museu de l’Emporda, Figueres
2011 Scope Art Show. Waltman-Ortega Gallery, Miami / VOLTA7. Valle Ortí Gallery, Basel / New Cities: Utopia & Dystopia. Recyclart, Brussels / Art Chicago 2011. Olivier Waltman Gallery, Chicago / Art Paris
- Olivier Waltman Gallery, Paris / ARCO Madrid 2011. Valle Ortí Gallery, Madrid
2010 Naturae. Benetton Foundation, Treviso / Pulse Miami 2010. Valle Ortí Gallery, Miami / Art Miami 2010. Olivier Waltman Gallery, Miami / Paisatges de la periferia. Observatorio del Paisaje de Catalunya, Olot / Naturae. LAMeC, Vicenza / Art London 2010. Olivier Waltman Gallery, London / Interrumpted Landscapes. Champion Gallery, Austin / Purificación García Awards Exhibition. Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid / Fotopres ‘09. Caixaforum, Madrid / Fotofreo Festival. PS 22 Pakenham Street, Walyalup/Fremantle / Bafa Gallery, Geneva / London Art Fair 2010. Olivier Waltman Gallery, London
2009 Art Miami 2009. Olivier Waltman Gallery, Miami / Photo Phnom Pen Festival. Multiple venues, Photo Phnom Pen / Collective Exhibition. Universidad TECMilenio, Monterrey / Fotopres ‘09. Caixaforum, Barcelona / Art London 2009. Olivier Waltman Gallery, London / Internazionale a Ferrara Festival. Multiple venues, Ferrara / Festival Internazionale di Roma. Multiple venues, Roma / Volta Art Fair. Valle Ortí Gallery, Basel / Talent Latent. Bolit Centre d’Art Contemporani, Girona
2008 Scope Art Show. Olivier Waltman Gallery, Miami / Art London 2008. Olivier Waltman Gallery, London / Talent Latent. Sala Palauet, Mataró / Purificación García Awards Exhibition. Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid / Talent Latent. SCAN 08, Tarragona / Lille Art Fair. Olivier Waltman Gallery, Lille / ARCO Madrid 2008. Valle Ortí Gallery, Madrid
Editorial Projects
Co-founder of Ca l’Isidret, a publishing project in collaboration with Roger Guaus & Juan Diego Valera
2022 Antimatter. Sala Canal Isabel II. Barcelona, Ca l’Isidret / Matter. Barcelona, Ca l’Isidret & Spector Books
2021 Intempèries ~ Hinterlands. Olivier Waltman Gallery. Barcelona, Ca l’Isidret
2019 Iberia. Barcelona, Ca l’Isidret
2017 Un passaggio. Barcelona, Ca l’Isidret
2016 森下 Morishita. Barcelona, Ca l’Isidret
2013 Almost There. MACK. Barcelona, Ca l’Isidret
2011 Movimientos de suelo. Barcelona, Ca l’Isidret
2022 Passió i cartografia per a un incendi dels ulls. Barcelona, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona
2020 Look up at the Sky. Terrassa, Sala Montcunill
2019 Carn de cap. Barcelona, Escola Bloom
2017 Fotografía en España (1839-2015). Madrid, Cátedra
2015 Photography Now! Vol.2: Spanish New Horizon. Tokyo, Amana
2014 The Photographers’s Playbook. New York, Aperture / Diccionario de fotógrafos españoles. Madrid, La Fábrica
2013 Arte Español Contemporáneo 1992-
- 2013. Madrid, La Fábrica
2012 BCN Crea. Madrid, La Fábrica / Lugares de tránsito. Barcelona, RM Verlag
2011 100 New Artists. London, Laurence King Publishing
Artwork in Exhibition
Old Tjikko -
audiencia-papa -
bruselas -
laboratorio_Columbus -