José Guerrero


José Guerrero (Granada, 1979) approaches the photographic act with the classical precision of the surveyor and the measured, controlled and finely balanced gaze befitting the architect, but concentrating his interest on the idea of the passing of time and its consequences. In order to fully understand the value of his photography we can refer back to his referents, as he himself states: “If I have to quote some photographers whose work has ‘touched’ me or I have in some way integrated into my own discourse, I could name authors such as Eugène Atget, Paul Strand, Walker Evans, Lewis Baltz, Hamish Fulton, Richard Misrach (the series Cantos del Desierto [Songs of the Desert]) and Stephen Shore (the series Uncommon Places)”.

In little short of a decade his restful gaze has generated one of the most coherent productions on the Spanish scene. During this time his work could be subdivided into two major periods.The first one, of which an extraordinary example is Caseta y piscina (Hut and Swimming Pool), Jaén 2007, was fundamentally developed in Spanish settings, inveterately choosing rural views and those places on the outskirts of towns and cities in which the urban clashes with the rustic. Guerrero also finds corners in which without the need for his personal presence one can immediately recognise the mark of man and the consequences whether of the passing of time or of speculation, and the ruin that both of these bring to nature and to the environment.

In the second period one should point out that one of its main characteristics is the work in series that form not so much a one-off view as an idea, a concept or a global project. In them he has extended the geographical limits of his search to cities such as Cairo, London, Moscow,
Paris, NewYork – in which he finds curious and surprising resemblances and slightly modified their points of attraction.Thus the disturbing but at the same time magical London fog in the series Thames, 2008, of which the exhibition shows five works, or the mystery and charm of the NewYork night with its profusion of lights in NY Night Lights, 2011.

His most recent journey took him to the deserts of Arizona and to trips from San Francisco to New York and from Houston to Los Angeles, during which he made To Come Back, belonging to which is Chinle, Navajo Nation, AZ 2011, that coldly and heart-rendingly bears witness to the fate of the Native American people.

His pictures, and above all the sets that they form, are as seductive as they are communicative of a poetic reality laden with meaning that is presented before our eyes.

María de Corral
Lorena Martínez de Corral


Since the beginning of my career as photographer my work has revolved around topics like memory and forgetting, processes of the transformation of landscapes, and our perception of the landscape through images. Nature and the city, the rural and the urban, man and his mark on space and on time; these are the topics which obsess me, and through which, by means of photography and in certain codes, I feel I can express myself as an author.

Coming back, returning, insisting, retaking, examining… All these are recurrent ideas in the theoretical reasoning — and in the practical development – of my different works.

The photographic series and mural pieces I have worked on up to now propose a polyhedral and transversal view of the space that conditions the way to ‘read’ and to ‘understand’ the photographs; not in an individual way, but as parts of a whole.The different images in a series are related in the same way as the lines in poetry, or the notes in a musical composition. In this sense, the light, the color and a determined atmosphere are fundamental elements in the search for coherence and unity in my work; as well as the horizon line, which often acts as a unifying thread charged with symbolism.

I am interested in working on the icons and the specific character of the landscapes I photograph, but always in search of a ‘universal view’ of them.

José Guerrero


Granada 1979 / Vive y trabaja en Madrid – Vive e lavora a Madrid – Lives and works in Madrid


2002-2004 Técnico superior de fotografía por la Escuela de Arte de Granada

1997-2001 Arquitecto técnico por la Universidad de Granada


2015 Sierra Nevada. Galería F2. Madrid

After the Rainbow. Centro de Arte Alcobendas. Madrid

Portfolios. Galería F2. Madrid 2014 Desértica-California.

Biblioteca Universitaria de Bratislava. Eslovaquia

2013 After the Rainbow. Palacio de los Condes de Gabia. Granada

TheThames Portfolios. Kopeikin Gallery. Los Angeles

La Mancha. Galería Fúcares. Almagro. Ciudad Real

2012 To Come Back. Galería Alarcón Criado. Sevilla

2010 Thames. Galería Paz y Comedias. Valencia

Portfolios. Galería Alarcón Criado. Sevilla

2008 Paisajes. Galería Sandunga. Granada

Paisajes. Galería Arteveintiuno. PhotoEspaña. Madrid

2007 Efímeros. Sala Imagen. Sevilla

2006 Efímeros. Sala CajaSol. Jerez de la Frontera. Cádiz



(selección / selecció / selezione / selection)

2015 Art Situacions. Villa Croce,

Génova – MACRO. Roma

Construyendo una Colección (DKV). Castillo de San Romualdo. Cádiz

La construcción social del paisaje. Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo. Sevilla

Volta. Galería Alarcón Criado. Basilea

Arco. Galería Alarcón Criado. Madrid

2014 40 años, cuarenta artistas. Galería Fúcares, Almagro. Ciudad Real

Discoveries of the Houston Meeting Place. Fotofest, Houston, TX / UNT Galleries. Denton,Tejas

Itinerarios de una Colección

(Fundación Coca-Cola). Vimcorsa. Córdoba

VII Premio Bienal de Fotografía Pilar Citoler. Sala Puerta Nueva. Córdoba

Arco. Galería Alarcón Criado. Madrid

Contexto crítico, fotografía siglo XXI. Tabacalera. Madrid

Paisajes, naturaleza y artificio

(Colección DKV). La Lonja. Zaragoza

2013 Itinerarios de una colección (Fundación Coca-Cola). Casino de la Exposición. Sevilla

Volta 9. Galería Alarcón Criado. Basilea

Arco. Galería Alarcón Criado, Madrid

2012 Volta 8. Galería Alarcón Criado. Basilea

DIY: Photographers & Books.

Cleveland Museum of Art. Ohio

Paco del Río. Del arte y los afectos. Sala CajaSol. Sevilla

Adquisiciones de la Fundación Coca-Cola 2012. Domus Artium. Salamanca

Artistas de la Colección DKV.

Casino de la Exposición. Sevilla

Mundos propios. Perspectivas y variaciones… Fundación Madariaga. Sevilla

Arco. G. Alarcón Criado. Madrid Premio PILAR CITOLER (Finalista)

2011 A las ciudades se las conoce… Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo. Sevilla

Arco. G. Alarcón Criado. Madrid Just Madrid. Galería Paz y

Comedias. Madrid

Beca MANUEL RIVERA. Diputación de Granada. Artista invitado por Mark Klett, Arizona State University

2010 El hombre sin alternativas. Sala Hotel París. Huelva

Presente perfecto. Centro Cultural Memoria de Andalucía. Granada

Edición PHE. Maquetas.

Complejo El Águila. Madrid

Premio María José Jove. Fundación María José Jove. La Coruña

Procesos del paisaje. Sala CajaSol. Sevilla

MadridFoto. Galería Paz y Comedias. Madrid

Next Art Fair. Galería Alarcón Criado. Chicago

Swab. Galería Alarcón Criado. Barcelona

La vida en ningún lugar.

Colección Iniciarte. Matadero. Madrid

Premio IMAGENERA (1.o). Instituto de Estudios Andaluces

PRIX PICTET. Suiza. (Nominación) Premio MARÍA JOSÉ JOVE

2009 Arte Lisboa. Galería Paz y Comedias. Valencia

Colección Comunidad de Madrid. CA2M, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo. Madrid

Valencia Art’09. Galería Paz y Comedias. Valencia

Lugares transportados / Lugares invisibles. Galería Paz y Comedias. Valencia

Generaciones. ARCO. Madrid / Centro del Carmen. Valencia / Santa Inés. Sevilla

Encargo del BANCO SANTANDER. Murales para la Ciudad Financiera de Boadilla del Monte. Madrid

2008 Arte=Vida, Vida=Arte. Museo Vostell Malpartida. Cáceres.

Las corrientes del agua. Sede Emasesa. Sevilla

Procesos del paisaje. CajaSol. Museo de Cádiz

Balelatina. Hot Art Fair. Galería Sandunga. Basilea

Art Salamanca. Galería Sandunga. Salamanca

Purificación García. Círculo de Bellas Artes. Madrid

Topografías urbanas. Galería Fúcares. Almagro. Ciudad Real

Urbana. Galería Sandunga. Granada

All inclusive, New Spanish Photography. Pingyao Fotofestival. China

All inclusive, New Spanish Photo- graphy. Dom Fotografie. Liptovsky Mikulas, Eslovaquia

2007 El mundo de hoy en 20 libros de fotografía. Efímeros. MUSAC. León

All inclusive, New Spanish Photography. Lodz Fotofestiwal. Polonia

Encargo del MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León. (Proyecto: Órbigo)



(selección / selecció / selezione / selection)

ASU. Arizona State University

Center for Creative Photography, Arizona

LUAG. Lehigh University Art Galleries, Pensilvania

Ayuntamiento de Granada.

Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo

Colección Banco Santander

Colección Caja Madrid

Fundación Mapfre



Artwork in Exhibition