Miren Doiz
Miren Doiz (Pamplona, 1980) plays with painting and objects, moving in an absolutely physical medium. Her work doubtlessly presents one of the most unique conceptions of artistic practice and also one of the most invasive into territories in relation to which one would state it to be alien. Doiz herself considers that: “My work always has painting as its fundamental axis, but is located between the pictorial, installation and photography. The plastic translation of this method results in an amalgam that subverts the observing of the rules, whether this is in the act of creation or of affectation in the visualising of the work. A dose of inspired hyper-realism that turns into atmospheres of everyday unreality, perhaps marked out by an intimate verisimilitude”.
In her first works, from 2005, that joining of painting, photography and installation dealt with rooms in the house, on the walls and furniture of which Doiz stretched acrylic paint. The final result was photography of the place with its corresponding occupant, which led her to name them “inhabited pictures”.
For Doiz the support for the painting is anything different from the traditional canvas – so a whole building, a bus, corners of public places, etc – and the painting itself can be made up of things ranging from acrylics and common pigments to everyday objects, different found materials and even the containers themselves. What is of great importance, along with much of the strength of the colour, is her chromatic boldness.
Thus, S.T. (Untitled) 2013, are simple undulating cardboard boxes covered in acrylic and folded up; and the set of works covered in the Serie no painting series has a common characteristic in that the elements that make it up never come from the painting directly, but rather from strange mechanisms. The collages are made of pieces cut out from pages in catalogues from exhibitions held by Doiz herself; collages that both play with the text and with the image, and which even allow themselves certain winks that one would say were if not figurative then narrative. On other occasions they are cardboard boxes and plastic bags folded up and wrapped until they form a chromatic and formal symphony that are as attractive as they are subtle. Finally, the forms of the largest work are created using blinds, plastic adhesive tape and canvas, stretching along the wall and sweeping over the floor in a visual game that questions its two dimensional nature.
María de Corral Lorena Martínez de Corral
Over the last few years I have developed a work focused on subverting the traditional ways of painting, a research about the limits, which has led me to expansive painting and to the production of a multidisciplinary work where the painting places me closer to photography, installation or sculpture.
Interest in the specific nature, and in the perception of each space, has been a constant in my work. I have intervened in different nonexhibition spaces which were photographed and posed some questions about what is real, the recreated, habitability, or the unique, and I have also carried out some installations and interventions where I incorporate the spectator into my painting, so they become a part of the picture.
Recently my research has been focused on changing my usual way of doing things, the way I was taught. This has led me, on the one hand, to another type of interventions where my painting, which was previously so obvious, has been dissolved until becoming almost invisible, yet without renouncing a complete transformation of the place. On the other hand this has also led me to a broad scope of work developed in the studio, in which I have eliminated material painting, in order to at the same time eliminate the use of certain resources and pictorial registers that were part of this learnt style. Plastics, cardboard, fabric, paper, in addition to found objects (in a series that I have been developing since 2012) have for me become materials that are more usual than painting itself.
Miren Doiz
MIREN DOIZ LARRAZ, Pamplona, 1980
Monógraficos de dibujo en la Escuela de Artes y Oficios de Pamplona
Bachillerato artístico en la Escuela de Artes y Oficios de Pamplona
Licenciada en Bellas Artes por la Universidad del País Vasco en junio de 2003
Arquitectura efímera. Montaje de exposiciones. Escola Massana d’Art i Disseny. Barcelona
Pintura y proyección profesional. Escola Massana d’Art i Disseny. Barcelona
2013 Gabinete Estampa. Foro
Sur. Stand de la galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz
2012 Visto y no visto. Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz. Pamplona
Montar, desmontar. Horno de la Ciudadela. Pamplona
2010 Panorama 10. Intervención en la Casa del Almirante.Tudela
2009 Aquí. 4 fotógrafos desde Madrid. Comisariada por Lorena de Corral. Canal Isabel II. Madrid. Instituto Cervantes. Made in Mad. Milán
2008 Instalación en el Atrio del Museo Gustavo de Maeztu. Estella
2004 Ganadores Jóvenes Artistas 2003. Ciudadela de Pamplona
2015 Turn your eyes. Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz. Madrid
2014 Beca Pollock-Krasner (abril de 2014-abril de 2015)
Jornadas ARTE+PINTURA. Organizadas por la Universidad de Pontevedra
Hiperobjetos. Comisariada por Alfredo Aracil. COAM. Madrid
Open Studio 2014. Madrid
8 cuestiones espacialmente extraordinarias. Comisariada por VirginiaTorrente.Tabacalera. Madrid
Retroalimentación. Comisariada por Francesco Giaveri y Tiago de Abreu Pinto. Sala de Arte Joven de la Comunidad de Madrid
2013 Antes de irse. Ideas sobre la pintura. Comisariada por David Barro. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Gas Natural- Unión Fenosa. A Coruña
A window in Berlin. Un proyecto de Ángel Nieto y Clara González. Berlín
2012 Feria Arco. Stand Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz
La colección IV. CA2M. Madrid
Un entorno empático para el artista. Comisariada por Emma Brasó. Sala de Arte Joven. Madrid
2011 La colección IV. CA2M. Madrid
A vueltas con la maldita pintura.
Una propuesta de Juan Ugalde. MUICO. Madrid
Un disparo de advertencia. Lalín. Comisariada por Ángel Calvo
Melodías Imposibles. SOS 8.4.
Comisariada por David Barro. Murcia
Diez años de fotografía española contemporánea. Instituto Cervantes de São Paulo, Río de Janeiro, Brasilia y Salvador de Bahía. Comisariada por Lorena Corral
Feria Arco. Stand de la Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz. Madrid
2010 Seleccionada en la Bienal de fotografía Purificación García
Art Forum. Stand de la Galería Heinrich Ehrhardt-Barbel Grasslin. Berlín
Welcome home. Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz. Pamplona
Bienal de fotografía Purificación García. Círculo de Bellas Artes. Madrid. Bilbaoarte. Bilbao
Feria Arco. Stand de la galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz. Madrid
25 Aniversario de los Encuentros de Jóvenes Artistas de Navarra. Comisariada por Juan Zapater. Pamplona.Tudela. Sangüesa
Espacio Atlántico. Vigo. Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz
2009 Seleccionada por David Barro para el Archivo de Creadores de Matadero Madrid
En la cuerda floja. Galería Heinrich Ehrhardt. Comisariada por Pablo Flórez. Madrid
6 artistas navarros contemporáneos. Galería María Forcada. Tudela
Contemporary Art 09. Recinto de la Ciudadela. Pamplona
Feria ARCO. Madrid. Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz. Madrid
Muestra de Artes Visuales Injuve 08. Círculo de Bellas Artes. Madrid. Sala Albéitar de la Universidad de León. Centro Cultural de España en México D. F. Centro Cultural de España en Guatemala. Centro Cultural de España en Sto. Domingo. Centro Cultural de España en San Salvador. Feria de Arte joven de San Salvador
2008 Obra adquirida en la Bienal de Pamplona
Ayudas para el alquiler de espacios para la creación artística del Gobierno de Navarra
Seleccionada en el Concurso de Artes Visuales Injuve 08
Asado monstruoso. Sala Carlos III de la U.P.N.A.
Paris Photo. Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz
ARCO. Madrid. Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz
MACO. México D. F. Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz
2007 PLANES FUTUROS. Arte español en los 2000. Comisariada por María y Lorena de Corral. Pamplona
DFOTO. San Sebastián. Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz
KIAF. Seúl, Corea. Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz
Ayudas a la creación 2006. Museo Gustavo de Maeztu. Estella
2006 Ayudas a la Creación del Gobierno de Navarra
2005 2o premio Encuentros Jóvenes Artistas de Navarra
2003 2o premio concurso Jóvenes Artistas del Ayuntamiento de Pamplona
Colección Arte Contemporáneo del Ayuntamiento de Pamplona
Colección de la Fundación Coca- Cola
Colección de Arte Contemporáneo de la Comunidad de Madrid
Colección del Parlamento de Navarra
Colección Museo Colecciones ICO
Artwork in Exhibition
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